I'm a Canadian Educator and Photographer aiming to blend arts (primarily photography - but not limted to) into new pegadogical paradigms for migrants.
Research suggests that many migrants are disadvanteged in the nations they work and reside, if they are not fluent in the language of the host nation.
Today with millions of migrants being forced to reside in nations with unfamiliar languages, there is a call to help develop alternative strategies that may help these migrants acquire their new languages, or to develop a higher level of proficiency in it, in order to have a better life.
If we can offer effective alternatives not only do migrants benefit, but the host nation benefits.
The site here is an example of work can be made public, for two reasons. A bridge can be made between migrant and host, and migrants can develop, in addition to traditional reading and writing, 21st Century Digital Literacies. The ultimate aim is to have them develop their own sites - something like this one.